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Pain or Limitation of Hand Movements

Writer: EditorEditor

Updated: Sep 20, 2024


Pain or limitation of hand movements are common issues that can affect patients’ functionality and quality of life. These symptoms can be caused by a variety of conditions affecting the bones, joints, tendons, and nerves of the hand. A detailed evaluation of the symptoms, along with complementary tests, is essential to identify the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.


Symptoms and Clinical Signs

Suspected Diagnosis

Confirmatory Diagnosis

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Pain and paraesthesia in the hand, weakness in grip

History of characteristic symptoms, positive Tinel and Phalen tests

EMG and nerve conduction studies

Dupuytren’s Disease

Thickening and contracture of the palmar fascia, nodules in the palm

History of progressive contracture and presence of nodules in the palm

Clinical evaluation, ultrasound

Ganglion Cyst

Palpable mass on the wrist, occasionally painful

History of a fluctuating mass on the dorsum of the wrist

Ultrasound or MRI

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Pain, swelling, and morning stiffness in the small joints of the hands

History of joint pain and stiffness, rheumatoid nodules

Positive RF and anti-CCP, X-rays showing joint erosions


Joint pain and inflammation, psoriatic skin plaques, dactylitis

History of cutaneous psoriasis, articular symptoms

Clinical evaluation, skin biopsy if necessary

Trigger Finger

Pain and locking on finger flexion, “snapping” sensation

History of locking and pain in the affected finger

Clinical evaluation, ultrasound if necessary

De Quervain’s Syndrome

Pain on the radial side of the wrist, especially with thumb movement

History of pain at the base of the thumb, positive Finkelstein test

Clinical evaluation, ultrasound if necessary

Volkmann’s Ischaemic Contracture

Pain, stiffness, and deformity of the hand and fingers, usually after severe injury

History of severe traumatic injury

Clinical and radiographic evaluation

Soft Tissue Injury

Pain, swelling, bruising, and movement limitation depending on injury severity

History of trauma or repetitive strain

Clinical evaluation, ultrasound or MRI for severe injuries


Acute pain, visible deformity, swelling, inability to move the hand or fingers

History of trauma, intense pain, and deformity

Hand X-ray


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