MOST COMMON PRESENTATIONS IN E.D.Dr Fernando HidalgoOct 23, 20241 min readUpdated: Dec 12, 2024Rated NaN out of 5 stars.Abdominal painBreast lumpChest painComa and altered consciousnessConfusión: delirium and dementiaDeliriumDementiaDiarrheaDizzinessDysphagiaDyspneaFatigueFeverGastrointestinal hemorrhageHematemesisMelenaRectal Bleeding ( Fresh PR bleeding )HematuriaHemoptysisHeadacheJaundiceJoint swellingLeg swellingLimb weaknessLower back painMobility problems in the Elderly: falls and immobilityFalls in the elderlyElder patient founded on the floorPatient founded on the floor. Long lye.Nausea and vomitingPalpitationsRash: acute generalized skin eruptionRed eyeScrotal swellingShockTransient lox of consciousness: syncope and seizuresSyncopeSeizures Urinary incontinenceUrinary retention Weight loss
Abdominal painBreast lumpChest painComa and altered consciousnessConfusión: delirium and dementiaDeliriumDementiaDiarrheaDizzinessDysphagiaDyspneaFatigueFeverGastrointestinal hemorrhageHematemesisMelenaRectal Bleeding ( Fresh PR bleeding )HematuriaHemoptysisHeadacheJaundiceJoint swellingLeg swellingLimb weaknessLower back painMobility problems in the Elderly: falls and immobilityFalls in the elderlyElder patient founded on the floorPatient founded on the floor. Long lye.Nausea and vomitingPalpitationsRash: acute generalized skin eruptionRed eyeScrotal swellingShockTransient lox of consciousness: syncope and seizuresSyncopeSeizures Urinary incontinenceUrinary retention Weight loss
Can an emergency doctor refuse to treat a patient who is being verbally aggressive under UK law?Legal and Ethical Considerations in Managing Verbally Aggressive Patients in UK Emergency Departments In the UK healthcare system, the...